Customer Personas

August 29, 2024

A customer persona is a marketing representation of a group or grouping of similar people who are the target audience. It includes the group’s or groups’ characteristics, the marketing goal regarding these groupings, and the marketing barrier. A marketing team creates customer personas for multiple reasons. A customer persona helps companies better understand their customers’ perspectives. If a company better understands its customers’ perspectives, it’s easier to create customized content that better suits its target audience. This allows for more effective advertising to their target audience.

Collecting customer data

Businesses can collect customer data in many ways. The most common methods are analyzing web data from services such as Google Analytics, sending out surveys, and conducting customer interviews. Customer data usually includes demographics such as age, location, educational attainment, marital status, whether they are parents, and goals or concerns regarding a company or product. Analyzing customer data could result in conclusions such as prices being too high and thus preventing purchases. Customer data could also indicate issues with a website’s UX/UI design that could prevent a customer’s journey to further touchpoints in the marketing funnel.

The marketing funnel

Customer personas are created during the beginning of the awareness or the marketing funnel. The awareness stage of the marketing funnel is when a potential customer first becomes aware of a company, business, product, or service. Strategies and tactics that marketers employ during the awareness stage include but are not limited to:

  1. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  2. Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
  3. Display Ads
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Social Media Advertising
  6. Video Marketing
  7. Influencer Marketing
  8. Content Marketing

All things considered, influencer and content marketing are low on strategies and tactics unless the clients are large companies or businesses. The marketing funnel was discussed in depth in a previous blog post. To view that blog post or learn more about digital marketing, SEO, Divi, or other related topics, visit our website’s blog sectionFill out our contact form now to contact us and get a FREE analysis of your website.

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