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Time complexity

Time complexity

Time complexity: The efficiency of code Time complexity is one of the main ways algorithms in computer science are analyzed. In general, how efficient an algorithm is is based on the number of elementary operations the algorithm performs. Algorithms simply put are...



Algorithms are one of the most important topics in Computer Science. An upcoming article involves an Object-Oriented Programming design pattern called the composite design pattern. The composite design pattern involves data structures called Trees. A data structure is...



Algorithms are one of the most important topics in Computer Science. An upcoming article involves an Object-Oriented Programming design pattern called the composite design pattern. The composite design pattern involves a data structure called a Tree. A data structure...

The Singleton Pattern

The Singleton Pattern

The last blog post was a general overview of the fundamentals of Object-Oriented programming. I would like to go over a specific pattern that commonly appears in software engineering. One of the most common and simplest patterns to understand is the Singleton pattern....

The Singleton pattern

The Singleton pattern

The last blog post was a general overview of the fundamentals of Object-Oriented programming. I would like to go over a specific pattern that commonly appears in software engineering. One of the most common and simplest patterns to understand is the Singleton pattern....

CSS basics

CSS basics

This blog post explains what many blog posts and articles online that can be found with a google search are going to state. The intended audience for this blog post is not professional computer programmers or those trying to learn to program in programming languages like C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, PHP, and so on. It is still beneficial to understand the basics of how websites are styled even for those who are not tech-savvy. Since the late 1990s, CSS has been used to style the appearance of websites. Before that in the earlier days of the internet, every website was styled only by the default styling that was applied to each web browser.


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